![henry [print].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52b8d6a7e4b069f3ae44b83a/1388177723632-3QX999GH3072L1KMQ60V/henry+%5Bprint%5D.jpg)
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Henry Duarte birthed the denim revolution. He was the designer to the rock stars of Hollywood.
For the logo for his storefront door, Henry wanted to use a soft gold and black.
This logo is computer generated vinyl and then hand lettered the black, giving the design a vintage hand-done feeling.
Henry Duarte birthed the denim revolution. He was the designer to the rock stars of Hollywood.
For the logo for his storefront door, Henry wanted to use a soft gold and black.
This logo is computer generated vinyl and then hand lettered the black, giving the design a vintage hand-done feeling.
Hand Painted Window Signs
Here's a three color hand painted sign applied from the inside. Gold, black and crimson read well on window glass.
Designed Graphic Posters
Henry asked me to design this poster for Royal Flash in Tokyo, which is a retail store in Japan that carry his denim and tees.